Posted by tash12larsen on Feb 21, 2015 in Blog, Product Redesign
At the beginning of every project it’s important to start with research. The next project is a product redesign where I have to choose a product and improve its design. I am currently stuck between two products and that is Oreo and Mountain Dew. As I have conducted my research I have decided to go a head with Mountain Dew. I know this product redesign is going to be difficult because Mountain Dew’s design isn’t terrible it looks pretty good. I am up for the challenge and excited to see what I can come up with.
Mountain Dew is a product of Pepsi co. it originally started by two mountain men in the 1940’s that were bottling a lemon flavored drink. These two mountain men were known as the Hartman brothers. In 1948 they got a trademark put on the drink and in 1964 it became a Pepsi Product. Since the original Mountain Dew came out there has been more than 90 different flavors released as well.
The target group of Mountain Dew is typically young Caucasians between the ages of 18 and 24. Although Pepsi has been working on targeting the African Americans and Hispanics in their latest campaigns.
Currently they have the slogan Dew the Dew, but I plan to find a better slogan that will increase sells. I will make the packaging stand out more to those who wouldn’t normally drink it. I want to portray it not as a caffeinated beverage, but as a way to sustain energy.
They have had many different can designs over the years so I am going to come up with a newer and better design. I want to stick with the green background for the product because when people think of Mountain Dew they generally think of green. Now that the research has been done its time to get to work.
Feb. 23-25: Sketch ideas for label and do research
Feb. 26: Feedback on sketches
Mar. 2: Work on turning sketches into vectors
Mar. 3: Feedback on vectors finish up product design
Mar. 6: Product Photography
Mar. 13: Product Advertisement
Mar. 20: Finish Book and Present
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