Mountain Dew Design

Posted by on Feb 27, 2015 in Blog, Product Redesign

Color Scheme

This week I have been working a lot on bringing all my ideas together. I picked a color scheme and then some possible font choices.But as I have been brainstorming a little more I might not even be using these color choices and fonts, but we will see.

Big Idea

Originally I wanted to do the mountain dew bottle with more of an appeal to women and make the label majority pink. But as I have been thinking more about Mountain Dew I want to take it back to one of its original forms by adding the mountains into the label.


I sketched out some of my ideas and the one that I will probably start turning into a vector is the Mountain Dew with the mountains in the background and the cabin. I don’t know if I will go into as much detail like I did in the drawing with the trees and the stream, but I’m going to try it and see how it looks.


Sketches of mountains and cabins on paper


Time Line

Feb. 23-25: Research color scheme and fonts begin sketching ideas.

Feb. 26: Feedback on sketches

Mar. 2: Work on turning sketches into vectors

Mar. 3: Feedback on vectors finish up product design

Mar. 6: Product Photography

Mar. 13: Product Advertisement

Mar. 20: Finish Book and Present
