Posted by tash12larsen on Jul 20, 2015 in Blog, Places and Activities to Do in Eastern Idaho
The Civil Defense Caves are large lava tubes that were created when their were active volcanoes in the area. The cave got it’s name from the Cold War era because caves were often seen as valuable for civil defense. They could be used as a bomb shelters or to store supplies. Although that’s no what this cave was used from it’s still how it got it’s name.
The caves are very spacious and is a great place for roommates to go to get our of town. Be cautious when going to the caves and make sure to have someone else with you. Never travel alone and don’t stay after dark.
Be Prepared
When going to the Civil Defense Caves it’s important to be prepared. Even if its 90 degrees outside the caves stays pretty chilly so a jacket or some sort of sweatshirt would be a good idea to have. In addition to a jacket make sure to have a flashlight so you can see while in the cave. It is a pretty easy cave to move around in, but it’s always important to watch your feet and your head so you don’t get hurt.
The road to the Civil Defense Caves is a little rough so a Truck or Jeep would probably be the best idea to take. If you don’t have a bigger vehicle cars have gotten there just fine by driving slow and paying attention to what they were doing.
From Rexburg, go North on the Salem Highway about 16.5 miles from the north Rexburg interchange. On the right side of the road there will be a yellow pile of rocks indicating the turn off. Turn right there. It’s about five miles to the caves from the turn off. On the dirt road, you will come to a fork in the road. Make sure you stay left.