Posted by tash12larsen on Jul 20, 2015 in Blog, Places and Activities to Do in Eastern Idaho
The Ice Caves get their name because ice remains in there year round. Depending on the time of the year the ice averages about 3-6 feet thick. These caves are a few hundred feet deep and it is important to be even more prepared for these caves then for the Civil Defense Caves.
Since it is mostly ice that you will be walking on it can be extremely slippery. For this trip you will want warm clothes, good footwear, and a flashlight to navigate through the cave. As always you will also want someone to travel with you never go into the caves alone. Plus you will need someone there to take picture to prove you sent to the ice caves!
Head north out of town, as if you’re driving to the sand dunes. The turn off is just approximately 28 miles past Walmart. You will know you have arrived at the turn-off when you cross over a cattle guard, and see a white sign on the right side of the road that says, “Entering Clark County.”
This turnoff goes diagonally northeast. Continue on this dirt road for approximately 3.3 miles. Driving 5-10 mph, it should take about 30 minutes to get there. Going a little faster (around 15mph) you can probably do it in 20 minutes. Keep your eyes open for a gaping hole in the ground. Climb down into the hole and you should see the cave entrance.