Posted by tash12larsen on Nov 21, 2015 in Blog, Commercial, Portfolio
Taking pictures of buildings seems like it would be a boring job, but a lot of money can be found in it if you have the eye and skill for it.
When doing architectural photography there are several key things to remember. First you want to shoot during golden hour sunrise or sunset or in the dark. Then bracket your images so that you can get detail in the picture. It also really important to use a tripod so that when you bracket your picture will be in the same place for each shot.
For both of these pictures I decide I wanted to go out at night and get the buildings lite up. I set up a tripod, set a 2 second timer and put my f stop at 5.6 and had my shutter set to be open for a longer amount of time.
A photographer I really look up to when it comes to outdoor architectural photography is Megan Kelly. She does amazing work both with client and commercial shoots. Check out her website to see more architectural photography.